“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Carl Jung

 This month we experience a total solar eclipse in the US. The next one won’t be until August 23, 2044. As esoteric scientists we could discuss the unique and perfect distancing of the Sun from the Earth; how the disc of the Moon perfectly fits over the Sun exposing its fiery corona. Were it only a few hundred miles larger or smaller, a few thousand miles closer or further away, this exact phenomenon could not occur. What is the meaning or purpose? Or, we could discuss the idea that the sun’s rays upon the earth is a direct current and that at specific and regular intervals the intervention of the Moon interrupting the rays of heat, light and magnetism shifts the direct current to an alternating current, which affects organic life on Earth in a positive and apparently necessary way. Who set this magical dynamic up? We could also discuss that Paracelsus said that we are Suns in miniature. Mankind is a microcosm of this planet, in whom we live and move and have our being. The substance of the stars is wrought in us even as the substance of the stars is wrought in our Sun. As Above, So Below. We say the Earth is a tiny microcosm to the gigantic macrocosm of the heavens and we are a reflection of the heavens, thus we too can eclipse. All of these ideas would make for fascinating topics of discussion.

Instead, in view of the upheaval in the world today and that this eclipse is an important time when we can actively participate in making a difference, we choose to discuss views from back in the time of ancient Egypt when Pharoah Akhenaton chose to defy the worldview of his time and insist that there was a greater god than all of the animals then being revered. He spoke of a secret behind the disc of the Sun and that it was the true god, the source of prana, of life force. And that within the disc of the Sun is a constant, reverberating sound. It bounces around, ricocheting and creating the sound of the Aum/OM which flows outward from the Sun to Earth; a gift. Sounding the OM has a unifying effect when members of a group join in.

 Everyone: Sound the Aum on April 8 and help unify the world.


Planet: Mercury

Dynamic: A great month for pondering your next venture.

Direction: Ponder only.

Soul Thought: Adventure?


JULY 22 – AUG 22
Planet: Sun

Dynamic: A disruption in your energy flow is nothing to scoff at.

Direction: Mind the heart.

Soul Thought: When in doubt, Love.


NOV 20 – DEC 21
Planet: Earth

Dynamic: A powerful time of change for you.

Direction: Take a stand opposite the eclipse?

Soul Thought: Earth in the balance.


APRIL 19 – MAY 20
Planet: Vulcan

Dynamic: Investment time, yet . . .

Direction: Be cautious what you do with your money.

 Soul Thought: Pretty is as pretty does.


Planet: Moon

Dynamic: You may sense unusual power, if temporary.

Direction: Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Soul Thought: OM.


 DEC 21 – JAN 20
Planet: Saturns

Dynamic: Some powerful dynamics can push you to the top of your mountain.

Direction: Or to the depths of your Soul.

Soul Thought: What’s the difference?


MAY 20 – JUNE 20
Planet: Venus

Dynamic: A time to distinguish yourself.

Direction: In genteel and aesthetic ways.

Soul Thought: Just Be.


SEPT 21  –  OCT 21

Dynamic: When your “normal” balance gets shaken what to do?

Direction: Think outside the box!

Soul Thought: The whole world awaits.


JAN 20 – FEB 20
Planet: Jupiter

Dynamic: Money and relationships are entangled.

Direction: Determine how to make the most of it.

Soul Thought: Matter is frozen light and light is love.


JUNE 20 – July 22
Planet: Neptune

Dynamic: When darkness hits the world,

Direction: Lift your veil.

Soul Thought: What is the Illusion?


OCT 21 – NOV 20

Dynamic: You may feel an overwhelming drive to do something.

Direction: Reflect first.

Soul Thought: “Everything that happens to us is a reflection of who WE are.” Deepak Chopra


FEB 20 – MARCH 21
Planet: Pluto

Dynamic: It may be time to form a group.

Direction: A secret society?

Soul Thought: To hide or not to hide?



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