The Rose Window

The Story of the Stained Glass Windows

The Rose Window is a not-for-profit company created to support a unique set of stained glass window/panels. This stunning set of Zodiac stained glass panels is the original creation of Dr. Douglas Baker in the 1960s and inspired by a dream. After requesting ideas of several artists he chose a set of designs and they were then created by a famous, stained glass fabricator in London which also created windows for many of the cathedrals in Europe. This set of stained glass windows are built of the same old and irreplaceable glass that is used in Westminster Abbey among others.

The design incorporates the specific Ray (Esoteric Psychology) colors  related to the particular signs of the Zodiac as well as both the exoteric and the esoteric ruling planets. Baker believed that when the windows came together, they created a mandala which incorporates everything in the Universe since indeed they incorporate all Seven Rays and all Signs and Planets of the Zodiac.

His dream was to create a “Temple of Jupiter” in which the windows would factor as the main energetic component and in which Wisdom Tradition teachings could be carried out. Unfortunately, he died in 2011 before that dream was realizedt.

Many people have lovingly contributed to creating no less than two different sets of stands for these windows, one with backlighting and one meant to be set in natural lighting. A member of the sacred Taos Pueblo, in New Mexico was one creator while a long-time stained glass renovator in Illinois was the other. Another contributor has offered a large and extremely stable van for transportation to wherever they need to go.

Today, the dream of a home is all we still need so that you can come view this amazingly meaningful and magical set of stained glass windows. We invite you to join us in creating something like the one shown here, built to withstand hurricanes and to be taken apart should a move to a new area ever become necessary. Please click here to view the GoFundMe project: The Rose Window or  Temple of Jupiter.