Have you come to that point in life, that pivotal point when you suddenly stop all the aimless, meaningless things you seem to be doing to ask, “Why?”
Did you just come through a deeply personal loss, a grief so prfound that you have no choice but to stop and ask, “Why?”
Or have you always been stumbling, blindly feeling your way, knowing there just HAS to be something more out there to make sense of all the struggle and you’ve always wondered, “Why?”
Many of us are seeking Direction, seeking Meaning, seeking answers to the deeper questions in life, not: “What job should I get?” “What person should I marry?” Or, “How many children will I have?” Rather, we want to know, “Why did I come here?” “Where am I going?” and always, once we begin becoming Conscious, we end up at: “How can I help? Not just me, but others?” “How can I be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem?”
SkyDance Astrology offers a number of services geared to assist in your evolution as a Soul working out purpose through physical form. As an esoteric consultant we view the language of symbols, dreams and “coincidental” happenings as valuable tools for use in your evolution.
To that end we offer:
The Natal or Birth chart is the blueprint to your Soul’s Purpose, therefore it is recommended as the first reading or report you order. Without this reading first, other readings may not make sense.
Variable Pricing depending upon what reports have already been done and how regularly you get updates. Topics arethe same as for Readings. The first Natal Report includes colors and an original art mandala based on your chart. See a few samples in this header.
Besides astrology classes, we hold at least one class in the other esoteric sciences every year. Please go to the “Events” tab or Contact SkyDance.
Ask about private classes.
Esoteric astrology is more dependent on time than traditional astrology. Your Rising Sign, which is based on your birth time, is more important in Esoteric Astrology than your Sun Sign which we consider your personality. We also consider the houses where aspects land as crucial to understanding where your life lessons are to be learned; these are also determined by time. The more accurate the time, the more accurate the reading or report.
If you are unsure of your birth time, research using sources like your birth certificate, birth hospital, county records, and family/baby books. Some online organizations can also help. If you are still unable to find your birth time, you can be muscle-tested to determine it.
Have you ever had the sensation that you’ve “outgrown your own horoscope?” You are probably right! When we begin living on a higher level, old meanings no longer suffice. Now, we enter the domain of Esoteric Astrology. When we consciously decide to align our personality with our Soul and to understand our higher purpose, then Soul’s Purpose Astrology automatically becomes operative while traditional astrology no longer feels like it fits.
Knowing your Birth or Natal Chart can help you plot your entire life. Now you understand more of the dynamics of your purpose in this lifetime. Understanding why things happen on a Soul level takes some of the sting out of life. With progressions or some transits, you can prepare for a new energy impacting you which might have caught you offguard otherwise. You can also be made more aware of potential challenges and blessings heading your way.
Esoteric Astrology is based on the Rising Sign (the constellation-sign coming over the horizon at the time of birth), NOT on the Sun Sign (birth month), which is the basis of traditional astrology. The Rising Sign is the first Signpost of a specific formula spelling out your Soul’s Purpose.
Once Esoteric Astrology is activated by the person’s spiritual journey, the planetary rulers for each of the Signs change from what they were under traditional astrology rules. We now include both our own planet, Earth and the planet nearest the Sun which is basically invisible now, Vulcan. Thus, every Sign has its own ruling planet: 12 houses, 12 signs, 12 planets.
A Progressed Report gives you the opportunity to understand new energy, dynamics, blessings and challenges. It is the most predictive part of esoteric astrology and therefore gives you the opportunity to plan ahead as well as to understand what the meaning behind something that occurred in the past. A reading or report is renewable every time the Progressing Moon changes sign or house.
Transits are the daily movements of planets while progressions are computed based on a day for a year and more effectively indicate patterns in your life. Transits by comparison can be a mere blink in the eye, especially with our closest and fastest moving planets. We do track the slower moving planets to some degree, espeically watching for Saturn and Jupiter returns.
We can. While we prefer to do an in-depth reading with the individual themselves or at least with their permission, we can still see the impact of relationships in your life. Understanding the potential challenges and blessings in a relationship is always helpful. That said, no one knows but you whether a person is “supposed” to be in your life. Remember, “The Soul loves a challenge!”