“I cried when I got my Natal Report. It validated everything that has always made me feel so different!” Michael

“Meeting you has certainly been a most valuable contribution to my life today. Please know how grateful I am!” Micheline

“I’ve just begun to submerse myself in reading our report.  Inspires hope n light within my heart. ” Renee

“Thank you so much for your very enlightening and thorough report.  I understand what you mean by sending the hard copy and allowing time for me to “digest” it for a few days. Wow. Wow. Wow. I have so many questions. But still unable to put them in words 😳Thank you so much for your labor of love! I so appreciate you! ” Heidi

“Charlene you are truly talented and blessed with a divine gift.  Thank you for sharing your gifts with me so that I may have the opportunity to live a more enlightened life experience.” Tammy

“You are gifted beyond comprehension…beyond even imagination because your gifts are from Above…from God Above. You now have living evidence of this. And everything in my report is spot on!” Julia

“Charlene, I really hope that you’re around in my next lifetime; you’ve helped me so much and I’m ever so grateful!” Christina

“Oh my, that’s some gift you have, girl. I’m stunned…let me say this right now: I am in awe. Oh, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH!” Mark

“My purpose has been known to me for many years – but there was something extremely profound in the experience of seeing it all in print. I understand much clearer and you gave me food for thought and ideas to investigate for many months to come.” Joan

“Thank you for this opportunity to heal more!” Jesse

“Thank you so much for the Soul’s Purpose report. You predicted circumstances in the dream which played out right before my eyes, before I’d even read that part of the report!” Emily

“Once again you nail it on the head! In (child’s) dream you describe her to a ‘T’ and the particular challenges …” Shaylah

“I received your report on my birthday. IT’s just the information and support I need at this time as I work toward my “one woman show.” Sarah.

Received it, read it, laughed and cried over it. Still digesting it. It is amazing! You are amazing!

“Thank you , many times over. I usually say, “keep up the good work” but in your case, it is, “keep up the GREAT WORK !!!” Don

“I knew you were special …. and you have gone off the charts.” Bernie

“I will be reading these notes again and again over time and am seriously looking forward to our next Skype together.”  Andrea

“Wow, oh my goodness,WOW. That was awesome! Ok I have read the whole thing and I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.” Cecilia

“I open the Report package … (I did not yet read the report … OK) …. What a beautiful and amazing packaging and presentation … WOW !!!!! I love what you do !!! I am super impressed !!!!” Jeff

“I have a whole new and expanded perspective on the art and science of astrology—and sense that this was my time to be introduced to it. Thank you for opening me up and helping me expand my awareness in so many ways.” Mary

“Wow! I’m a devotee of your work. You’re not allowed to die before I die and take away your astrology work!” Brenda

“Remember when you did all 4 of my girls’ charts a number of years ago ??  Well, they have been very useful through the years as we pulled them out during different difficult Just recently, my number 2 daughter had a very difficult time and I pulled out her chart which stated that she would go through times of severe physical, emotional and spiritual “rebooting” (my word, not in the reading!).  Like a rebirth.  It was great to read that all is in order and that nothing is “ wrong”…it made us both feel a little better !! Karen

” “I just wanted to send you a note of thanks. We are so grateful for your gift and giving us a peek into this new, little person! He is a blessing and a challenge and now I understand why. Thank you!” Barry

“My experience of all of our family’s reports has been life-transforming. We are moving.” Renee