About Esoteric Psychology

Alan Boxall
Rebecca Dingle & Gary Kidgell

Esoteric Psychology or
The Science of the Seven Rays

It is said that the Age of Aquarius is the Age when Esoteric Astrology and Esoteric Psychology come into their own, the Age when they are most needed and most relevant. All is energy. As the accompanying picture portrays, a cosmic force – which we can call Divinity – sends forth seven streams of specific energy which are far enough beyond our understanding that even in the bible they are called “The Seven Spirits Before the Throne.”
These streams of energy affect everything that is in our solar system, from physical existence to behavior and the evolution of all forms within their streams of expression. In order for mankind to understand them, these streams of energy are “stepped down” through the seven sacred planets which we have long studied through Esoteric Astrology and then impact us in many ways, through our chakras, through our five subtle bodies and through everything in our environment.
Because humankind is made up of energy we express this Divine energy through our unique individual makeup. It is said that the Seven Rays are Divinity expressed as Truth, Beauty and Goodness. A recorded introductory, six-part recorded Rays course is available if you’d like to learn more. Learn how the Trinity, the Seven and the Twelve are inherent in every religion in the world, because of the Seven Rays. This IS the psychology of the future. Please contact SkyDance@SkyDanceAstrology for more information on this course.
We were all born with a specific Ray complement just as we were born with an astrological birth chart. This complement completes another piece of the puzzle of who you are. Of the 7 Rays possible you have 5 rays ruling your 5 bodies: Soul and Personality which is made up of: Mental Body, Astral/Emotional body and Etheric-Physical body. Analyzing which of the 7 rays make up your complement involves a series of detailed questions to determine something of who you are. Dr. Douglas Baker of Claregate College created this form of analysis.


SkyDance has formed a partnership with Alan Boxall, another Douglas Baker trained colleague . Boxall lived in Douglas Baker’s ashram, Little Elephant for many years and assisted him on his tours in the UK, USA and Europe. He was a major component in the publishing and video production of Douglas Baker’s many books. Together, Boxall, who lives in Wales and Johnson work with Advanced Students of the Esoteric Sciences and are diligently laboring to bring astrology and the other metaphysical science courses into the modern era as online courses. Stay tuned!


Johnson and Boxall form two of the four corners of our Ray Analysis Team, all four trained by Dr. Douglas Baker and Claregate College.

Rebecca Dingle from Ohio, USA discovered Douglas Baker’s teachings in the early days of Claregate College, in the 1970s. The Seven Rays and Esoteric Psychology were her main focus during the 10 years of studying and working at this college in England, where she assisted Baker with Ray readings and helped design and run the correspondence course in metaphysics.

Gary Kidgell of Scotland went on from the Baker teachings to further study of the Rays under other tutors. He has published 2 books: The Inner Journey: Pathways to the Higher Self and Greek Hero Myths: Symbols of Transformation.

When you order a Ray Analysis, which is a question and answer session taking 1.5 to 2 hours, you will be guaranteed at least 3 of this 4-person team.