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Written (Birth Chart) Natal Report

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A written report can be on any subject but as with oral readings, it is highly recommended that you begin with the Natal or Birth Report. Although admittedly more expensive than a reading, the astrologer is able to go much more deeply into the zone where your Higher Self and her Higher Self communicate. Since this is usually the first time the astrologer connects with the client, she will also see colors and a mandala which form your report cover. For that reason, this is actually a "shippable" product, but postage is built into the cost as long as shipping is within the U.S. If you wish for this report to be shipped outside of the US postage will be requested.
As the astrologer works on your report a vision emerges, an impactful impression which is based on your Birth Chart and which, in a “word,” sums up your Soul’s Purpose. This vision is then translated as artwork onto the Report Cover as your personal mandala. Some people connect with their mandala so deeply that they want it made into an actual piece of artwork framed on their wall. This is the ONLY report which comes with these addendums.