“The doctrine that the world was made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with Quantum Mechanics and with facts established by experiment.” Bernard d’Espagnat (Scientific American, 1979)
The three outer planets not clearly visible to the naked eye and therefore generally beyond our conscious awareness are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This is one reason why they affect whole generations rather than affecting us personally and are called generational planets by all astrologers. Esoterically speaking, they are the ambassadors that liaise between our solar system and the galaxy. Ever since the discovery of these three galactic ambassadors collective humanity has been presented with an opportunity to raise its vibrational frequencies. The galactic role of these outer planets is especially evident during their retrograde phases, which is their most spiritual expression. This month, all three are retrograde.
The retrograde phases of these three planets deal with the task of spiritual transformation. The opportunity exists to “see” the true nature of the objective world as the veil of illusion entrapping society. Now the veil is lifted, revealing the reality of the underlying dynamics of its nature and at the same time, remaining true to the essence of our real identity as a radiation of the Source Itself. Humanity eventually reaches a more universal awareness of the Spirit through the conscious use of powers and functions which are not ours due to human effort by default, but rather because they have become available to humanity for its use ever since the discovery of these ambassadors. Esoterically, we can call their powers “divine gifts” of the Spirit entrusted to mankind to use wisely for the sake of the greater good. Although the effects of these three planetary entities is generational, the individual’s personal reaction to the needs of the moment will always be clearly indicated in terms of the circumstances and experiences of the House environment in which the transiting retrograde planet is located. As we head into this pivotal fall season, it’s a time for pondering.
Everyone: A partial lunar eclipse; Neptune closer to Earth than ever and the Autumnal Equinox = a month in which to pay attention.
Dynamic: This is a great month to apply that great brain to research.
Direction: Questions need to be answered.
Soul Thought: Do you know how to phrase a good question?
Dynamic: Something this month is too precious to be guessed at.
Direction: Look inside; you already know the answer.
Soul Thought: What is the question?
Dynamic: Time to segue from thoughtful consideration to action.
Direction: Be sure discernment is part of the process.
Soul Thought: Do you know how?
Dynamic: Deeply intuitive insight is yours if you can understand.
Direction: We need your understanding.
Soul Thought: “To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom.” Krishnamurti
Dynamic: Giving birth to a new way of being can happen now.
Direction: It’s already within you.
Soul Thought: The nucleus of everything.
Dynamic: A partial lunar eclipse is just what you need.
Direction: You may be able to address your dark side.
Soul Thought: What does it mean to pass through the shadow of the Earth?
Dynamic: Some banking irregularity may occur.
Direction: Determine your own security.
Soul Thought: In a world of illusion, what is security?
Dynamic: You may experience a finale of sorts.
Direction: It’s up to you whether “Grand” or disappointing.
Soul Thought: Always.
Dynamic: It’s time for an ending; it’s time for a beginning.
Direction: Experience both fully.
Soul Thought: All good things . . . come around again.
Dynamic: It may feel like one step forward for two steps backward.
Direction: Go outside and view your Saturn; so close this month!
Soul Thought: It’ll be inspiration.
Dynamic: An abundance of information is out there.
Direction: How to discern?
Soul Thought: Truth, Beauty, Goodness.
Dynamic: This time too, shall pass.
Direction: You’ve had a taste of the new; change is still coming.
Soul Thought: It’s the last hurrah for old ways!